About Graduate Education @ USC
Graduate School , Office of Academic Programs
Office of the Provost
About the USC Graduate School
The Graduate School supports students regardless of program, from application to degree conferral. Our mission is to promote an outstanding educational experience, celebrate student achievements, & provide leadership for graduate education. We are situated in the Office of the Provost and Academic Programs.
The USC Graduate School is committed to providing detailed information on the inputs, outcomes, and overall characteristics of all its PhD programs, for the purposes of full transparency and to support informed decision-making.
The Graduate School sponsors and promotes a variety of events during the semester that are intended for a graduate student audience. Visit this page frequently to view the latest special events.
Our Staff

Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Dean of the Graduate School
Phone : 213 740-9033
Email : vpgp@usc.edu

Associate Dean
Associate Professor of Higher Education
Email: posselt@usc.edu

Associate Dean
Phone: (213) 740-9059
Email: lyoneda@usc.edu

Assistant Director
Phone: (213) 740-9037
Email: tegmeyer@usc.edu

Associate Dean
Phone: (213) 740-9037
Email: mereditd@usc.edu

Administrative Manager
Phone: (213) 821-5795
Email: calhoun@provost.usc.edu

Associate Director
Phone: (213) 740-8078
Email: kmosqued@usc.edu

Academic Program Specialist
(213) 740-9033
Email: graddia@usc.edu