Thesis / Dissertation Submission
Information about the thesis and dissertation submission process can be found by navigating the topics below. The Academic Services Coordinator can be contacted via email at:
Thesis/Dissertation Submission
The PhD dissertation represents independent scholarly work that makes an original contribution to knowledge. It is a demonstration that the PhD candidate has achieved sufficient mastery in the field to pursue independent research and scholarship. A dissertation for a professional doctorate or a master’s thesis represents advanced scholarly work in keeping with the standards of the field.
Continuous Enrollment
When a program requires a dissertation or thesis, registration in dissertation or thesis coursework is required for at least two semesters. Enrollment in 594 Master’s Thesis or 794 Doctoral Dissertation ensures continuous enrollment until the thesis or dissertation has been submitted to the Graduate School.
Degrees will be awarded in the semester in which all requirements have been met, including approval of the final version of the thesis or dissertation and submission of supporting documents with authorized signatures. Documents are processed and manuscripts are read in the order received.